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The Lebanese Cleaner Production Centre (LCPC) was established with the support of the European Commission- LIFE Programme (EC-LIFE), United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the Austrian Government and the Ministry of Environment (MoE) in Lebanon . LCPC is perceived by the different stakeholders as an independent and competent industry-concerned and environment-oriented centre of expertise in CP.

Eventually, the centre aims to assist the Lebanese industrial enterprises to export their products in the wake of Lebanon's efforts to access the World Trade Organisation. As Lebanese Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME's) reach out into the international marketplace, part of their competitiveness will depend on their ability to demonstrate their environmental sensitivity in addition to offering quality products at competitive prices.

LCPC premises are now located at the Industrial Research Institute (IRI) in Hadath- Baabda. LCPC is part of UNIDO Network and is connected to its database.


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